Take Five: Tips for a Successful Dry January

Take Five: Tips for a Successful Dry January

Dry January is a great time to go no-or-low. So let's get your sober journey started off on the right foot! Here, alcohol-free influencer, Chelsea Monroe @mixedwithout offers her five best tips for exploring the sober curious lifestyle.

1. Build Your Sober Support Squad:

Find your squad who will support you through this choice and journey. Consider bringing an alcohol-free friend with you. If you are having a moment while you're out? Send that group a siren text! 

2. Reframe Your Thinking:

This evidence-based app uses neuroscience to reframe your relationship with alcohol. Use code MIXEDWO for 15% off!

3. Practice Social Selection

Clean up your social media feed by following similar sober/sober curious people and hashtags. I turn on notifications for my top three favorite pages. Don't be afraid to comment on posts, reply to stories, or even slide in someone's DMs- this is how I created my Sober Support Squad and also created the foundation of my journey. We don't bite!

4. Always Have An Exit Plan:


5. Stay Curious:

Research and explore where you are going for the non-alcoholic options. If they don't have anything, ask if you can bring something. Even restaurants that I dine at have welcomed this and some have actually ended up carrying that product in their business. You never know who you are going to inspire...